Tuesday, May 10, 2011

May 10 - Clouded Over, Little Wind, and thinking about improving the look of the balcony

If you have a balcony like mine, you aren't probably too thrilled by the looks of it. You'll see in my earlier posts just how, well, ugly it is.  I repainted the interior of the white walls of my balcony last year. I'm an artist and have excellent quality white latex gesso which I used and they now look great but the rest of the balcony is, meh, bleck.

I am looking into doing something with the ugly, rusting, navy blue guard rail wall and also what to lay down on the concrete floor. I was thinking of getting some Rustclad paint and just paint the interior of the guard rail wall a stone color, but, the landlord might have a heart attack. It would only improve the balcony (as my pigeon net that I installed last year did) but I don't think I can do it. Too bad. It might be the cheapest and easiest way to improve it.

However, I have been looking at bamboo - some sort of bamboo fencing to attach to the guard rail. That will take some time though, to find and also, I can't afford anything too expensive. Also for the floor, I may just get some heavy gauge canvas and paint a floor cloth for the area where is the sitting area. That way, at least, it can be a pleasant focal point. A sun, moon and star motif might be fun : )

Okay, tomorrow if the sun shines I will take shots of the garden again. It is amazing how quickly the plants are coming up. I also bought two lovely begonia planters (and I'm not big on begonia's but I saw these at my Forest Hill Loblaw's and they were so gorgeous that I scooped them up) two for $25.00 and they take up some significant area in the north west area of the balcony, which is good. That is going to be the area for most of my flowers and the south east area the balcony garden.

Feel free to share what worked, or didn't work for you (beautifying your balcony) as I would love to know!

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